Got it?
Curious is all, how many of you have issue with today's date. Not necessarily a bad issue.
But is Friday the 13Th a day of significance? Some people are afraid of it, some people think its good luck, and some people are just glad its Friday again.
I'm not entirely sure which category I fall into. A bit on the superstitious side I think.. perhaps. I will not get my hair cut on Friday the 13Th and I tend not to go anywhere new. ( I think that's just more a fear of getting lost and today is just as good of an excuse as any not to go somewhere that I might get lost going to)
Happy Friday everyone!
Here is a bit about what Wikipedia has to say concerning Friday the 13Th:
However, historically, there is no true date that the Friday the 13ThDo you like math?
superstition can be linked to.
Every year has at least one and at most three Fridays the 13th, with 48
occurrences in 28 years an average of 1.7 times per year.
The Gregorian Calendar 400-year cycle contains a whole number (20,871) of weeks and 146,097 days, but the number of months (4800) is not divisible by seven. Along with the 146,000 days, (400 x 365 days), there are ninety-seven February 29s and Leap Year Days. The easiest way to explain how and why the Gregorian Calendar rotates during any 400-year cycle is that there are 365
days every year. Ninety-seven of the 400 years are Leap Years and contain a February 29; in them, there are 366 days. Years with 365 days have 52 weeks, with one additional day; years with 366 days have 52 weeks, with two additional days. Just add the additional days, after the fifty-two weeks, during all 400 years. The 97 Leap Years double to 194. Then add the other 303, and the overall total
is 497. 97 plus 97 plus 303 equals 497. 497 days equals seventy-one weeks. Add
the fifty-two weeks, in the four-hundred-year system of the Gregorian
Calendar, (other than the 497 additional days), and there are 145,600 days, equalling 20,800 weeks. 145,600 days plus 497 days equals 146,097
days, which equals the 20,871 weeks and 146,097 days, listed above. Because of
this, no chosen day of the month up to the 28th can occur the same number of
times on each day of the week. The 13th day of the month is slightly more likely
to be on a Friday than on any other day of the week.