Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I feel like I have so much to say...

...that I do not have a clue where to start.

I really have not forgotten about the few of you that actually READ my blog, seriously, I haven't.
I've just found myself in a bit of a funk recently... blue, if you will.
Not a good color for me, not by a long shot.

So, that's that. I don't care to elaborate, just stopping in to let you know I'm still alive, as far as I know.


frau424 said...

love u !!

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm in a funk too. Sending you funky hugs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sugar Bee! Count me among your readers now! :)

xoxox Simi Bee

Toni said...

I was just thinking to myself yesterday that you should start blogging more. Just let it out :)

Or talk about me. That always works! HA!

stacey said...

your blog is pink! rotflmao

Lhia said...

desert- love you !

valerie-- hope the funk goes away soon... its exausting

BEEEEEE- there's a bee on my blog!

Toni- I am going to TRY to blog more.

Stacey- dont laugh too hard, you should see the outfit i bought in new hope. PB would be PROUD!!!