Friday, January 9, 2009

Wow, its been a while!

Hi all!

Just wanted to stop in, say hello. This time I have a really good reason for not posting on my blog. Seriously? I almost died.

August 1 I was involved in a near fatal car accident. Without too much detail I broke my left leg and my right ankle was twisted nearly off. Doctors managed to save my right foot and put a titanium rod in my left leg and I'm just starting to re-learn how to walk again.

So thats where I've been. I've become more mobile in the past few months, and more able to sit for longer periods of time. I don't know what this will mean for my blogging, but I figured I would stop in to say hello.

Hello *waves* I have missed you all

Hell, I've missed me too!

1 comment:

Toni said...

I miss you! I hope you keep blogging. I suck at blogging.