Wednesday, February 7, 2007

So what DO you write in the first entry?

Because I created this blog almost 12 hours ago and I've worried all day about what to write. A blank page is quite intimidating, especially for someone who tends to READ blogs not WRITE blogs.

*insert ticking clock noise here*

...writers block on the first day certainly is not a good sign is it? If I sit here for two more hours then I have to leave work and go home. Brilliant excuse not to write eh? I only have two hours. Not enough time to write anything even remotely interesting.

I should warn you in advance that I'm not even sure where this blog is headed. It will probably just end up being rambling thoughts and ideas from my head. Perhaps some of those list things I've seen in other blogs, things that interest me, I'm probably not going to discuss politics, nor do I want to debate any serious issues. As I sit here and think more and more about why I am creating this blog, I think really its more for ME. if I sit with a journal, blank and it stays blank. I carry it around in my bag and it stays blank until I start gluing things into it, articles and things printed from the Internet and it ends up a big book filled with stuff I put in it, but not stuff I've WRITTEN in it. I'm not going to call myself a writer, because I'm not... not by a long shot. My grandfather was the writer, may he rest in peace.

I am , however, an artist. I like to create things. As the days go by, if you don't get sick of my muddled thoughts, I'm sure we will get to know each other pretty well. Or, you, will get to know me pretty well. (as far as you know)

Purple is my favorite color.

Its a start, isn't it?


Toni said...

Yay!!! Lhia has a blog!! WOOT!!!

Jazz said...

Ok, well to start you off, here's a challenge.

List 50 (yep, you read right) 50 things about yourself.

Oh, and consider yourself tagge for the six weird things meme. Just tell us six weird, ok quirky, things about yourself.

There, two entries right there.

Toni said...

I love Jazz!!!!

I dare you to do 100! I've done it!

Lhia said...

Oh my, yes I do have a blog.

I don't even know if I could list 50 things about myself, let alone 100.

thanks to you both for stopping in. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL you just crack me up. Love this blog...oh I said that already huh?