I collected all the books I've started recently and put them in a pile behind me. I've looked at them several million times and thought about taking a picture and making a blog post. So, I did. So tell me, what are you reading now? Here is my list!
Friday, January 22, 2010
What are you reading? Lets try this again shall we?
I collected all the books I've started recently and put them in a pile behind me. I've looked at them several million times and thought about taking a picture and making a blog post. So, I did. So tell me, what are you reading now? Here is my list!
Posted by Lhia at 2:01 PM 2 comments
book post gone
not quite sure how to do this edit post thing, and i made the entire post disapear
will figure it out later
in the mean time.. thanks for reading
Posted by Lhia at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Gramma!!

Posted by Lhia at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Time Flies eh?

Posted by Lhia at 8:49 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Happy Monday
All my days seem to run together lately... a lot is going on in my world. Some I can talk about, some I can't, and some I just plain don't want to. *sigh* I had a house guest all week and really enjoyed having someone here in the house with me. Now, I am trying VERY hard not to notice how quiet it is here when there is no one around but me and the pups. Music is on...journal is out...lists are made (want to do, not need to do)
So far today I've danced (as well as my broken body is able), listened to music ( I am so grateful my hearing is intact) and I have spent the remainder of my amazon gift card from Christmas on a new book and a movie. I will not get either until the end of January, as Super Shipper Savings will group the two together and the movie (Saw 6) doesn't come out until the 26Th of the month. It will give me something to look forward to, and an unexpected surprise in the mail, as I will have forgotten by then that I ordered them.
I have so much I want to do and in the end I just end up sitting and doing nothing. I'm not sure what that is about or why exactly, but hopefully writing it down will help get it out of my brain and somewhere else so it all stops swirling around. So I guess for now, that's it. Hope you all have a great week.
Posted by Lhia at 10:32 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
I'm back
I dont know how often I will be writing
but I plan to write.
A lot has been going on
and I need to talk about it
I dont know who's gonna read it
but I'm going to put myself out there
what have I got to lose?
See you soon
I'm off to get my nipple pierced
... maybe I'll blog about the experience.
Posted by Lhia at 9:55 AM 5 comments