Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Freaking Freaks!

Toni and I were having a conversation in email today.
She said it and I said I must make that a blog post.
So I did.

That being said, I'm all together sure that I have absolutely nothing to talk about
of any real value except to me. And of course, since I am the only reason
I am actually writing this blog in the first place,then it would stand to reason that
I could write about anything I wanted to. Or not.

Which leads me back to my original point... wait, did I even have one?
I'm not entirely sure of that either, now that I think of it.


Jazz said...


What is it you were supposed to blog about??

Jocelyn said...

I agree with Jazz. Give us the conversation--c'mon, woncha?

Greetings from icey Duluth, btw.

Lhia said...

Jazz- exactly ;)

Jocelyn- nice to see you, thanks for stopping by! All i can say is the conversation involved saying freaking freaks , a lot.
... there was giggling too, always is with the two of us.